Length – 9.2km
Ascent 431m
Walk from ‘the remotest chapel in Wales’, Soar Y Mynnyd on a scenic 10km exploration of the beautiful Doethie Valley.
This walk lies not far from Llyn Brianne in the Cambrian Mountains. It winds up and down through fields, woodlands and moorland, providing beautiful views of the steep-sided Doethie Valley as well as following the river banks in the upper stretch. The flora in this part of the Cambrian Mountains is very rich, with sundews and stonechats in early summer followed by bog asphodel, harebells and yarrow later on. There is a lot of bracken at certain times of year but it is passable.
Soar Y Mynydd Chapel is a calvinist gem and usually open so a look inside is normally possible (services only once a month).
This walk is recommended for walkers who like a challenge and are happy hopping over little streams, and muddy paths as well as bashing a bit of bracken!